The Dream is here....
Posted by Ebun | Posted in futbol, live breathe futbol, shirt | Posted on 12:42 AM
So I have pretty big dreams that will take time to actualize. One of my dreams is starting my own t-shirt line and I finally stopped making excuses for why I couldn't do it and just took a step of faith and went with it. What you guys saw about a month ago in the "Live. Breathe. Futbol" shirt is the first of many designs to come. The shirts came in yesterday and I had a big smile on my face when I opened the box. It's one thing to have an idea, it's another thing entirely to implement it. Here is my idea implemented and it feels good. The shirts are for sale for $15 and I'll be setting up a google checkout shortly for you guys who are all over the world. Here are some pics of the shirt. Enjoy.