A Homeland for us...Redone

Posted by Ebun | Posted in , | Posted on 8:45 AM

So you guys will get a kick out of this story. In the post before this one (A Homeland for us) I posted the shirt I made for my boss. I thought I did a great job and was excited to show my boss...he liked it too, except for one little mistake that changes EVERYTHING...can you spot it? ok, good...so I used Google Translate to translate the text to Arabic so I could copy that for the shirt, the font was too small, so I copied and pasted it into MS Word and enlarged it...unknown to me, MS Word flipped the characters. What's the big deal? Arabic is read from right to left (I knew that). So basically, I gave him a shirt that meant nothing lol (he could've held it up to a mirror) Anyway, I made him another one, and here it is. Maybe I should learn Arabic so I won't make such a dumb mistake anymore. Enjoy.

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