Make it Rain...

Posted by Ebun | Posted in | Posted on 3:43 AM


Sorry for the corny, three-years-too-late title, couldn't think of anything better at 3:30 am.  Anyhow, earlier in the semester we were given two days to design something at our site (off Girard Avenue near the zoo in Philadelphia, PA) that was sustainable and/or heightened a certain experience of the site.  Upon entering our site, I got an overwhelming sense of deadness and decay and I chose to play with that notion.

First, it's winter time, so all the leaves are brown and crusty, the trees are bare and skinny.  However, the sun still shines and it still rains, or snows.  These are both catalysts that are necessary for life.  Thus, I chose to design  something simple that harnessed these natural elements and fostered life and growth.

What I came up with is something new for me as a designer.  It is every bit "me" (simple, straightforward) but this time I chose to experiment with triangular geometry in the form of the "pod" that has the potential to be very complex.  When it rains, the rain is filtered through the "roof" and collected in a receptacle underground which in turn irrigates plants that the "farmer" grows to sustain himself within an otherwise dead site.  There is also a glass panel above that acts in the same way a magnifying glass does and focuses the sun's energy to one point. Photosynthesis, baby. Anyway, here are some of my sketches and pictures of the pod. Enjoy.

This one is just a study of form. I really like it, whatever it is. Enjoy as well.

Love, again.

Posted by Ebun | Posted in | Posted on 12:00 AM


I feel very accomplished right now. It feels like I'm making moves left and right, getting things that I want done. It's truly a great feeling, but it also costs quite a bit of $$ lol.  I'm not sure if I mentioned this, but back in November (I believe) my bike was stolen. Saddest day of my life so far. My baby was gone. Nowhere to be found.  I mourned her loss for a while, but I finally got the courage and strength to move on.

With a bit of cash in my pocket and the necessity for transportation around the city (my legs are efficient at playing soccer, not walking long distances daily) I decided to build another bike.  Why didn't I just buy one? I could've, but it's in my nature to build things.  I scoured craigslist and ebay for parts and 3 weeks later, she's complete. I'm in love...again. And no one is taking her away from me this time. Enjoy.

Le Corbusier

Posted by Ebun | Posted in | Posted on 3:20 PM


I had a 16 x 20 canvas laying around and decided to paint a picture of famous French architect, Le Corbusier. Enjoy.
Next to the painting is my "Endowed Space" model from last semester. I painted it white and threw it on the wall as a sculpture.


Posted by Ebun | Posted in | Posted on 3:15 AM


Here's a tee I made for a friend of the legendary Ronaldo of Brazil. Enjoy.

The Hands of God

Posted by Ebun | Posted in , , | Posted on 8:16 PM


Don't ask me why I titled this post the hands of God, it just sounded cool. Anyhow, my studio professor from last spring, Jason Austin of Austin + Mergold sent me an e-mail this morning asking me to send him some drawings that I did last spring so he could use them as examples for his current class (sweeeet).  So I looked through my files and found these two drawings which I think are awesome, so I thought I'd share. Enjoy.