The Art of Evading

Posted by Ebun | Posted in | Posted on 11:47 PM

Yesterday was the review for project 01 of studio. The project essentially began with us being assigned a human trait, mine being "evader" and progressed into us defining the trait, making a drawing about it and then surveying a site with instances of the trait being manifested in the site. Once this site mapping was completed, we were to begin to design for an inhabitant of our choice and to program the space.

My inhabitant was a government secret agent whose identity is meant to remain secret from the public. Thus, I designed an inhabitable space for him that rests primarily underground with a garage as an entry point. Then came the tough part. Initially, it was "pedestrian" as my professor so eloquently put it: it was simply an underground apartment. The intervention needed to inherently manifest the trait of being evasive. So I designed my ass off. Quality of space became the most important thing. Low ceilings, concealed points of entry, and walls that acted as obstacles rather than simply barriers all became the language I employed to make the space evasive.

Ultimately, the review went well with the critics giving suggestions as to how I can carry the design further. I remember little else of what was said because I was so tired. Hopefully I articulated my ideas well enough to them because all my work would have been pointless if I didn't do so. Too many times I've seen great work by my classmates and their presentations suck because they do a poor job of articulating their ideas to the critics. Til next time....

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